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Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework

Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework (the Framework) is a law to keep all children safe in organisations. The Framework is established under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.

The Legislation and Framework applies to sport and active recreation organisations that have a significant membership or involvement of children and young people (please refer to the Act).

The Framework includes the Child and Youth Safe Standards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, information-sharing provisions and the Independent Regulator.

Child and Youth Safe Standards are 10 principles that outline how an organisation can develop a culture with child safety and wellbeing at its centre. Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Standards mirror a national set of principles. The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations emerged from the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Reportable Conduct Scheme requires leaders of organisations to report concerns to the Independent Regulator about conduct related to child abuse involving a worker, and to investigate the concerns.

Information sharing under the Framework are the specific rules written into the law that permit leaders of an organisation to share information.

Independent Regulator oversees Tasmanian organisations required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework.