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Reportable Conduct Scheme

The Reportable Conduct Scheme (the Scheme) requires leaders of specific organisations to report concerns of conduct related to child abuse involving a worker of their organisation, and conduct investigations.

The definition of worker under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 includes paid workers, volunteers and contractors.

The Scheme is about ensuring reportable conduct is investigated properly. This is done through oversight by the Independent Regulator.

Leaders' obligations under the Scheme

  • Within three business days: Leaders must notify the Independent Regulator of the reportable conduct in writing and provide basic details such as the worker’s name, allegation details and organisation they work at.
  • As soon as possible, leaders must start an investigation (or get an independent investigator to do so).
  • Within 30 days: Leaders must provide an update including information about the allegation or conviction, whether any actions have been taken (for example, placing a limit on a worker’s contact with children) and any written submissions.
  • At the end of the investigation: Leaders must provide findings of the investigation, reasons for the findings and details of any actions that have been taken as a result.

It is important to note that the Scheme is not replacing other reporting obligations which may include the Police (if the alleged conduct is criminal) or the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Scheme.

Where to go for support or to report a concern

In an emergency, always call 000.