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Planning and Developing Facilities

This section provides support for organisations that undertake strategy development and planning for community sport and recreation infrastructure. The resources are provided to promote alignment to best practice planning principles.

Open Space Planning

Tasmanian Open Space Policy and Planning Framework - Main Report (PDF)

The Tasmanian Open Space Policy and Planning Framework 2010 was written by Dr Ken Marriot, on behalf of the Tasmanian State Government. It offers a comprehensive explanation of the necessary steps involved in preparing policies and plans to maintain and manage defined land and water settings for environmental and social use purposes. It has significance for all levels of Government.

Planning document example – Devonport Open Space Strategy (PDF 26.0 MB)

Facility Planning

The Business Planning Guidelines is an example of the key areas that could be covered in a proposal to demonstrate the viability and sustainability of a project and assists organisations understand opportunities and challenges involved in facility development.

Facility Planning Guide (PDF)

This guide provides an overview of the facility planning process including identifying key stages and principles of facility provision.

Needs Assessment Guide (PDF)

The first stage in the planning of a successful sport and recreation facility is the identification of the needs of the community.

This guide outlines the process required to identify community needs including research required and details on what should be included in a proposal.

Feasibility Study Guide (PDF)

The second stage in the facility planning process is the feasibility study. This guide examines the viability of a proposal so that an informed decision can be made on preferred options including cost implications.

Moven Park Master Plan (PDF) – Northern Midlands Council

Northern Tasmania Sports Facility Plan 2023 (PDF 9.4 MB)

Community use of School Facilities

The Tasmanian Government recently made it a priority to increase access to school sport facilities for community use to ease pressure on state-wide facility shortages and re-establish schools as hubs for the community.

To support this commitment, the Department for Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) has appointed three new Community Liaison - Sport positions.

Each has a background in sport and a passion for providing equity in access and participation opportunities to improve student, family and community engagement with sport and physical activity.

The aim is to ensure DECYP facilities are equitably available and fit for purpose to allow schools and sporting organisations to maximise participation in sport and other forms of physical activity.

Community Use of School Facilities.