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Grants and funding

Active Tasmania provides funding to increase opportunities for participation in sport and active recreation in Tasmania, and to assist the ongoing development of Tasmania's sport and recreation sector.

Clubs, not-for-profit organisations and local government entities that provide sport and active recreation opportunities to the Tasmanian community are invited to apply.


For the purposes of Active Tasmania's grant programs:

  • 'Sport' is defined as: A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the primary focus of the activity, with elements of competition where rules and patterns of behaviour governing the activity exist formally through organisations and is generally accepted as a sport.
  • 'Active Recreation' is defined as: Active recreation activities are those engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion, and the primary focus on human activity.

Grant recipients

Please go to the relevant grant program to view the most recent recipients.

For further information, please contact Active Tasmania by email at or phone on 1800 252 476.

Grant Updates

To stay up to date with all available grants for community and local government you can subscribe to Grant Alerts by emailing

Ticket to Play - OPEN

About Ticket to Play

Ticket to Play is a Tasmanian Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of sport and active recreation membership and/or registration for eligible children.

Ticket to Play provides two vouchers worth up to $100 each towards club membership fees for children aged 5-18 years who are listed on a Services Australia Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or are in Out of Home Care. Vouchers can be used at two different activity providers, or both can be used at one activity provider.

The key objective of Ticket to Play is to increase the number of young Tasmanians participating in sport and active recreation.

Who is eligible for a voucher?

Applicants must be:

  • aged between 5 and 18 years old at the time of application; and
  • listed on a valid Services Australia Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card (either their own or their parent, guardian or carer’s) or be in Out of Home Care

Please click on 'Apply for a voucher', if you meet the above criteria

  • Special consideration may apply if the child is aged 5 to 18 years, is a resident in Tasmania and meets the following criteria:
    • the child/family is a temporary or provisional visa holder, undocumented migrant or international student.

If you meet this criteria please email for more information

What can I use a voucher for?

Vouchers can be used toward the cost of club membership or registration fees at Tasmanian sport or active recreation organisations who are listed as an approved activity provider. Search for Approved Activity Providers.

The Ticket to Play vouchers can only be used at or redeemed by Approved Activity Providers.

Active Tasmania, along with all other Australian, State and Territory governments, accepts the following definitions of ‘sport’ and ‘active recreation’, from within the National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework:

  • Sport - A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the primary focus of the activity, with elements of competition where rules and patterns of behaviour governing the activity exist formally through organisations and is generally accepted as a sport (Australian Sports Commission).
  • Active Recreation - Activities engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion, and the primary focus on human activity.

Tasmanian Active Infrastructure Grants Program - CLOSED


The Tasmanian Government recognises the importance of sport and active recreation and is committed to ensuring more Tasmanians, regardless of their age or background, get active and have places to play.

The program will provide grants to the sport and active recreation sector to build new, and upgrade existing, sport and active recreation infrastructure.

About the Program

The program will deliver funding over two years with a total funding pool of $10 million.

$5 million will be available in 2023-2024.

A further round in 2024-2025 will deliver an additional $5 million.

The program will be offered in two streams, the small and large grant streams.

Funding limits

  • Grants of $25,000 to $70,000 will be provided through the small grants stream - applications now closed
  • Grants of $70,001 to $500,000 will be provided through the large grants stream – applications close 2:00 pm, 13 November 2023

Applicants must commit at least 20 per cent towards the total project cost. Higher priority may be given to projects demonstrating higher levels of support.

Who can apply?

The program is open to sport and active recreation organisations and Local Government Associations that are:

  • incorporated, not-for-profit organisations
  • local government authorities (councils), or
  • not-for-profit organisations registered under company law.

A full list of eligible and ineligible organisations and projects is on page one and two of the guidelines.

Important advice to applicants

Our competitive programs receive a high volume of applications each year and we strongly advise intending applicants to speak with Active Tasmania before starting an application. You can call Active Tasmania on 1800 252 476 or email

Documents and links

2023-2024 Active Tasmania Equipment Grants Program - CLOSED


Applications opened at 12:00pm on Monday, 8 January 2024.

Applications extended to close at 2:00pm on Friday, 5 April 2024.

The Tasmanian Government is committed to supporting all Tasmanians to access a range of high quality, safe, fair and inclusive sporting opportunities.

The 2023-24 Active Tasmania Equipment Grants Program provides sport and active recreation clubs with grants of between $2,000 and $30,000 to assist with the purchase of additional or replacement equipment.

Applicants are required to contribute at least 30 per cent of the total cost of purchasing the equipment.

This is a competitive Grants Program.


The Program is funded through the Community Support Fund (CSF). Legislation requires that funding under this Grants Program is provided for the benefit of sport and recreation clubs.

Eligible equipment will:

  • Assist the organisation to deliver sport or active recreation activities
  • Replace or upgrade existing equipment
  • Safety equipment
  • Improve the club’s ability to conduct its operations

Funding amounts

It is anticipated that approximately $1.27 million will be available for distribution under the 2023–24 Active Tasmania Equipment Grants Program.

Funding limits (per applicant) are:

Minimum funding amount: $2,000

Maximum funding amount: $30,000

Funding provided will be a maximum of the approved items to be purchased, successful applicants must have a minimum of 30 per cent of the total funding requirements secured to contribute towards the project

Documents and links

State Grants - CLOSED

Applications open at 2:00 pm, 18 December 2023

Applications close 2:00 pm, 31 January 2024.


The State Grants Program (the Program) is open to sport and active recreation providers and services who meet the eligibility for funding requirements. These organisations include:

  1. State Sporting Organisations (SSOs)
  2. State Disability Sports Organisation (SDSOs)
  3. State Sector Service Providers (SSSPs)
  4. State Active Recreation Providers (SARPs)

Grant funding period: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024

The purpose of the funding is to provide financial resources to sporting organisations to:

  • develop governance capability
  • increase growth in participation
  • increase safe, fair and inclusive opportunities.

In 2023-24, $1.622 million is available through the Program, including $500,000 from the Community Support Fund to support:

  • education and training opportunities to upskill volunteers, e.g. officiating, governance, chid safety and administration
  • clubs and association to follow governance best practice recommendations and implement relevant policies and practices
  • delivery of specific participation initiatives to increase inclusive participation at all levels.


All eligible organisations will be assessed, and notification of outcomes will be provided in writing. All funding decisions are final and are not subject to review.

Ineligible organisations will not be assessed. Organisations will be advised in writing if they are deemed ineligible.

Eligibility is based on the status of the organisation at the time of lodgement of the Application form.

Previous Grant Recipients

Sport and Recreation Emergency Recovery Grant - CLOSED

The program is to assist with the costs of clean-up and reinstatement of not- for-profit, incorporated sport and recreation organisations that have suffered direct damage as a direct result of the severe weather event in October 2022.

The severe weather event significantly impacted parts of 18 municipalities across Northern Tasmania, primarily: Break O’Day, Burnie, Central Coast, Central Highlands, Circular Head, Devonport, Dorset, Flinders, George Town, Glamorgan Spring-Bay, Kentish, Latrobe, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands, Waratah-Wynyard, West Coast and West Tamar.

Not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations play an integral part in local economies and communities, and this assistance must contribute towards minimising disruption in the affected areas and assist the community to recover.

What funding is available?

The maximum grant amount available to any one organisation is $25,000.

  • An initial one-off amount of $5,000 (Tier 1)
  • A subsequent one-off amount of up to $22,500 (Tier 2)

Grants are provided to help pay for the costs of the clean-up and reinstatement of eligible not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations.

For more information, please call 1800 252 476 or email

View successful applicants (PDF 175.5 KB)

Junior Travel Assistance Program - CLOSED

Round One - CLOSED

  • Round One is closed.

Round Two

  • Open for applications from 15 September 2023 at 9:00 am.
  • Closing for applications on 30 May 2024 or when the available funding has been exhausted.

The Junior Travel Assistance Program (JTAP) provides financial assistance to help alleviate the costs of competing in national sporting championships.

Funding will be available for Tasmanians aged 12-18 years selected to travel interstate for the purpose of representing Tasmania in a National Sporting Championship.

Program objective

To provide financial assistance to young athletes, selected to attend national events to enhance sport development pathways for young Tasmanians.

Funding available

The maximum funding limit is $250 per championship up to a maximum of $250 per athlete per financial year.

The total funding available in 2023-24 is $150,000.

JTAP will be offered in two funding rounds, $100,000 will be available through Round Two.  Applications will be received and assessed throughout the funding round until funds are exhausted.

How to apply

Other funding opportunities

Looking for funding support? Active Tasmania administers funding through a range of grant programs including support for sporting representatives and State sport and recreation organisations to lead, administer and develop activities around Tasmania.

Check out the below funding and grant options:

Australian Sports Commission - Grants and Funding provides opportunities for individuals and sporting organisations to receive funding through the Australian Sports Commission

The Australian Sports Foundation provides a platform enabling people to make tax deductible donations to sporting projects.

The Tasmanian Institute of Sport provides support for elite athletes and coaches through scholarships and services. This includes emerging and established talented athletes who compete in Olympic, Paralympic or Commonwealth Games sports and their recognised pathways.

National Representatives Fund provides funding to assist Tasmanian athletes and coaches competing at a Junior or Open Competition level to travel with an international team competing overseas.

Sporting Competitions Access Fund is to assist athletes with disability, enabling them to compete in national or international sporting competitions and allowing them to excel in their chosen sport at the highest possible level.

Tasmanian Community Fund provides grants to community organisation to support positive social change and meet community needs.

Healthy Tasmania Grants provides funding for community organisations to promote health and wellbeing.

Some local councils assist residents selected in State or National teams, and/or Service Clubs such as Rotary or Lions may also assist. Contact your local organisation for information.