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A range of standards and guides have been developed around facility development to ensure sport and recreation facilities are safe, accessible, sustainable and fit for purpose. Compliance with standards may be mandatory in some instances.

State and National Sporting Organisations for each sport should be consulted on the latest facility design requirements and standards.

Universal Design Principles and Accessibility Standards

The aim of universal Design is to create a more inclusive world through design so that all people are considered regardless of age, capability or background.

The National Disability Authority (NDA) describes seven principles of universal design. The philosophy of universal design including the NDA seven principles are included in the Victorian State Government fact sheet. Planning considerations for equitable access for Sport and Recreation Facilities is also considered.

Planning for equitable access - Sport and Recreation Facilities

Accessibility for People with a Disability

Individuals with disabilities deserve the assurance that they can enter and navigate public buildings with dignity. The Premises Standards (Disability Access to Premises-Building Standards 2010) establish performance criteria and incorporate technical specifications to guarantee this accessibility. These requirements apply to all public buildings and will result in extensive enhancements to the safety and inclusivity of newly constructed or renovated structures.

The Australian Human Rights Commission summarises the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) on accessibility to places used by the public and the associated Australian Building Standard is also included as a guide.

Accessibility for Women and Girls

Gender equitable environments and accessibility to facilities needs to be considered in the planning, design and management of facilities to ensure equitable access for females and encourage an increase participation in sport and recreation.  The Victorian State Government has information and advice about developing gender equitable sport and recreation facilities.

Female Friendly Sport Infrastructure Guidelines


Australian Building Codes and Standards

The National Construction Code (NCC) is Australia’s primary set of technical design and construction provisions for buildings. The NCC covers various aspects related to building design and construction, including fire safety, health, and amenity. It is produced and maintained by the Australian Building Codes Board on behalf of the Australian Government and each State and Territory Government.

Sport Dimensions and Markings Guide for Playing Areas (PDF)

The Western Australian State Government has produced a general guide regarding dimensions and marking requirements for a range of sporting activities.