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The Planning Process

Planning is the process of thinking about where you are now, where you want to be in the future and how you are going to get there.

A strategic plan should outline who you are, what you do and where you want to be as an organisation including:

Strategic Planning steps


  • A statement outlining the purpose of the organisation and desired future.


  • The core values that describe how your organisation operates. These should underpin all elements of your strategic plan.

Strategic Priorities

  • The main focus areas for your organisation.


  • Specific statements detailing what will be accomplished in relation to each strategic priority.

Operational Planning steps


  • What exactly does your organisation want to achieve with respect to each strategic priority?


  • How will each objective be achieved? Provide a detailed description of the key actions to be undertaken.

Prioritise Actions

  • The importance of each particular action (low, medium or high). This indicates which actions should be completed earlier or later in the plan.


  • Indicates the due date for completion of each action.


  • Resources implications: financial, material and human resources.


  • Who is responsible for completing each action.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Indicators of what successful completion of each action looks like.

Risk Management

  • Assess the potential for elements of your plan to be unsuccessful and plan to manage this.

Communication Plan

  • How will you communicate your plan to have maximum benefit.


  • Develop annual systems to ensure your plan remains current and progress is monitored.

The operational plan (or business plan) covers how your organisation will achieve your strategic priorities.

Before you begin planning, take a look at your state and/or national sporting organisation’s plan. Their plan can be used as a guide for developing your own plan and help build stronger relationships with your affiliate body.