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Running a Planning a meeting

Planning meetings are an opportunity to involve a variety of people from your organisation in the strategic and operational planning process. The process itself can be just as important as the final document and the plan is more likely to be acted on if people in the organisation contribute to its development.

The role of the meeting facilitator

A facilitator is someone who helps run a meeting and is responsible for helping to provide structure to the discussion and debate. It is important to write down key ideas and information that the group works through.

The facilitator should aim to:

  • Keep the group on track and ensure all participants are heard
  • Identify and link common themes and prevent repetition
  • Help resolve and/or manage any disagreements or conflicts
  • Clarify confusing statements by summarising what has been said and asking clarifying questions
  • Identify when the group is ready to make a decision and test for agreement

It is not the purpose of the facilitator to:

  • Make judgements about people’s arguments or opinions
  • Have the final say
  • Dominate the discussion

Sometimes conflict will arise within the group. Everyone should be encouraged to have an open mind and try to set aside their own personal feelings. Choose a facilitator who is confident in managing conflict and is familiar with their role and responsibilities. An organisation should consider appointing an external/impartial facilitator when running the meeting.