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Guiding compliance

We encourage sport and active recreation peak bodies to work with their clubs and associations to identify existing child safeguarding policies and procedures that can be shared and adopted.

The National Integrity Framework (NIF) is a set of rules that all members of a sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport. This includes child safeguarding and managing complaints and disputes. These national safeguarding policies, procedures and educational resources help sporting organisations and individuals to provide safe sporting environments.

  • If your sport falls under the National Integrity Framework, then your sport has adopted the relevant safeguarding policies and procedures.
  • Clubs and associations should check if their sport falls under the NIF and to contact their State Sport Organisation for assistance in adopting their policies and procedures to suit their environment.
  • Check if your sport falls under the National Integrity Framework

Please note: Sports that fall under the National Integrity Framework have access to Sport Integrity Australia’s independent complaints handling service. For more information, visit